
Monday, August 30, 2010

First Day...

First day of school went well....30 fifth grade bodies take up ALOT of room! OMG! There is one student who will drive me batty and a few others who may help him....Generally a great group of kids....1/3 I know, having taught them in 3rd...It'll be an interesting year....and it was SWELTERING, I tells ya' SWELTERING in the classroom ( I was dripping by 8:00)....and it will only get worse the next couple of days.....Came home, made a sandwich...too hot to cook and took a nap...caught up on blogs....waiting for the Closer...5:45 am is too early for man or beast!!!!

Tomorrow lets see if we can actually get some academics in before our brains FRY in the SWELTERING we have no a/c and are upstairs facing WEST, so we get SUN full on ALL DAY until after 12:00...we are in school from 8:00 until 2:50...

Did I mention it was SWELTERING in my classroom today with 30 FIFTH grade bodies...

This post made me thirsty....gonna go hunt some ice tea down....

1 comment:

  1. Ok, so your post is totally making me miss the classroom. Need to get applying! At least the heat tends to slow down the kids sometimes :)
