
Thursday, September 2, 2010

It's a Miscellenous Post has been beyond hot...classroom....well it's beyond, beyond hot and 30 students....let's just say I have some challenges this year....

My dad called me yesterday *****WAVING WILDLY AT DAD ****** he says he reads my blog, but has never left a comment. I like comments... He told me to be on the lookout for a package...Well I got this:
Yes it plays the Jedi awesome is that! My dad is a MAJOR Star Wars fan and although not as MAJOR as him, I do like me some Star Wars....(the original 1st three - the last three, well enough said)

Yesterday ran into a friend I haven't seen in YEARS...She was shopping with her son. I tutored him in fourth grade. He's now a SENIOR! They were shopping for sneakers, he tried many on...look at his old ones...definitely time for new kicks (I got a new pair too)
Mine are cool plaid Rocketdogs...

Look at our great Teddy Bear sunflowers!

Oh and our other sunflower(s) and corn plant(s) I backed over one...too close to the driveway...they are growing where the HUBS throws bird feed...we didn't plant them, well HE didn't plant them
Time to go make some dinner, grab the netbook and sit in the cool a/c of the bedroom to catch up on blogs....didn't get on yesterday...

1 comment:

  1. all those kids and all that heat?! you deserve a medal (by which I mean some new stash), woman!
