
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

It Has Begun....

Well I've had two days full of professional development. Convocation on Monday was torteous to say the least...

Tomorrow I have a half day of professional development on our new math program and the other half of the day going over state test scores.

I am pretty much done in my room, but there is always something that can be done...

Today left early to go to the dentist...I could have gone back, but came home and slept for 2 hours instead....

Now to catch up on reading blogs.....


  1. When do your students return? Mine started last Wed and everyone else around seems to start tomorrow.

  2. I would rather be at the dentist than professional development. Thanks to the timing of my hire at new school/resignation at old, I avoided the start of new year PD that I hate so much. I'm sure I'll pay for it sometime. Have a great school year!
