
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Summer Summary

What did I get done this summer??? This was my list. How'd I do??
Summer Plans 2010:
1. Work out regularly - I know, I know, but at least 3-4 times a week. Nope, did once, too hot
2. Deep clean the house, including purging of much stuff. Did some
3. Clean out and file all paperwork. Did some
4. Visit Plymouth, Mass Didn't make it there
5. Read and complete several books (read an hour a day) YES
6. Complete, at least, 3 big WIP’s Yes
7. Update Ravelry stash and project pages. Almost done
8. Learn to knit Still learning
9. Finish several jewelry projects Made a few

So what else did I do?

19 local yarn stores visited (2 of them twice)
11 books finished
10 projects completed
5 states visited
5 Day Dates with the HUBS
3 Online friends met
2 new SnB groups visited
2 visits with friends, staying out in the woods
1 visit to an Amish Auction
1 aquarium visit
1 visit to a castle
1 visit to a museum
1 skein of yarn won online
140 skeins of yarn bought in LYS's with
11 skeins of yarn bought at AC Moore

Today is grey and rainy, my last day of vacation. I had a great summer....How was yours?


  1. Oh my, you've definitely beat my amount of yarn bought this summer. You had quite a busy summer even if you didn't get everything on your list done!
