
Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I got Bazinga'd today...which is annoying, since I introduced the Hubs to Big Bang Theory...I love this show...I read once that it is a love letter to geeks everywhere. I'm a proud geek, although only a minor geek, as I don't have the technobabble, but can restore my computer after a crash and I don't play any type of games, online, LARPing or D&D or any of that(but I actually know what they are)...I am a book, movie, tv scifi fan, especially Stargate, well and Star Wars, and Farscape and certain Trek's and...well you get the picture...

Today my cell phone rang at school. My phone NEVER rings, so my kids were surprised. It was the Hubs, he was surprised I picked up...It's our anniversary, and as has been traditional for the past couple of years, I forgot and he remembered. Now I didn't COMPLETELY forget, just thought it was tomorrow (but really haven't thought about it since Monday) What can I say? This time of year, I'm really only thinking about school, ya' know Open House is Thursday...
Anyway I came home to this...and a Bazinga!

Happy 19th Hubs!

If you haven't seen Sheldon Cooper do the Bazinga, check it out (can't be embedded)

Now off to find that Bazinga shirt I saw mentioned...


  1. oh, Tammy, you really look the same as you did when you got married! Such beautiful pictures. Happy anniversary, I wish you the same number again, three times.

  2. Thanks, am a bit more rotund and 19 years older, but basically the same. Had just turned 23...

  3. hahaha! thanks for the link to the video. It was hilarious!!
