
Friday, September 17, 2010

Friday Night

Just finished watching the first Glee DVD. How I went a whole season without watching this show will be a mystery for the ages... It's so my kinda show....also bought the second season of Fringe. Only shows the Hubs and I share are Big Bang Theory and Fringe. I didn't watch Fringe, but he watched and bought Season 1 and told me to watch it cuz it was my kinda show...Yep, my kinda show....

See, every new tv season, I restrict what new shows I'll devote time to...why? Because I watch ALOT of television...If I'm up, the tv is on...sometimes, just as background noise...right now Criminal Minds is playing in the bedroom....

I only have basic cable, as I refuse to get any bigger packages...I'd never leave my house! I do not own a dvr or TiVo or any of those things....I have one DVD player and my VCR still works. My On-Demand has never worked, really have to call the cable company about that....I'll watch pretty much anything, except food shows (will watch the challenges) and sports...only the Olympics....

Last night was Open partner and I share 59 students, 15 parents showed up...we knew them all, as we had taught their kids in 3rd grade....Guess you don't need to come to Open House once your kids are in 5th....

I left at 7:50, got home by 8:20 and was asleep by 9:00....It has been an exhausting I spent a 1/2 day at PD, that really was old stuff to me....been giving that test in a different form for 9 years, just tell me what is different and let me get on with the job of teaching...was scheduled to go ALL day and sit through a running records PD...I've given PD on running records, wasn't doing THAT!

Here's to a great looking weekend and maybe finishing a project!

1 comment:

  1. you know, i went to every open house all the way from kindergarten to senior year in high school, for all 3 of my kids. it was a hardship, it was not fun, and i didn't imagine it was much fun for the teachers either, after their own very long days. but i thought that's what i was supposed to do - to show up, to be part of it. it amazes me when my daughter says how few parents show up to her open house nights, and she teaches 1st grade! they're still such cute babies then!

    but i was really glad they didn't have open house nights when the kids went to college. :) i hope you get some relaxing time this weekend. and glee TOTALLY rocks!
