
Monday, September 6, 2010

Look What I Did!

This is the second square from the Learn to Knit book I an using. I ripped the whole thing out last night and restarted. It must be getting into my muscle memory, because it was not hard to pick back up. I haven't touched it in over 2 weeks!
I also ripped out and restarted the hat. I hadn't done it in the round. I know there are a few mistakes, but I'm getting it...Think I'm ready for socks yet????

and some yarn p0rn: This is what I purchased at the fair yesterday....From a local farm, I think Sleepy Hollow Farm. It's a mohair blend. It's gonna be a bag..
Recycled silk from Frabjous Fibers. It's fair trade....
More recycled silk from Frabjous.
Brushed Mohair from Kraemer Yarns, also got a free shawl pattern....
Allison's pick for a soft scarf. It's Feza Cyprus Mohair.

Just realized I got mostly mohair yesterday!

Okay need to take a break from knitting...left hand is cramped and need to do several things today....Hope all my American friends and family have a wonderful Labor Day!


  1. Square 2 looks fantastic! And yes you are ready for socks. Easy Peasy as our Aussie friend would say. :) Nice yarn haul.

  2. wow, Tammy, you're really doing a great job with your knitting. You're getting it faster than I did, that's for sure.
