
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Back to School

I woke up really early this morning and am now yawning continually. Think I need a nap...

Didn't get very far on my lesson planning, so everything has been lugged back home tonight..

I am hungry...

This is a stream of consciousness post....

I'm really tired, but also hungry....

Had two kids stay after to help me today, they are such great girls...both are "peanuts"

Hmm, do I have any interesting pictures????
This is the banana I made to go to one of those parties...I don't remember what the party was for, but we had to bring a banana...I made mine...(I gave it to the hostess)

This monkey's arms and legs took forever to make......I didn't think I would ever finish him. I don't remember who I gave him to...the only ami's I have kept are:
Babybot and the green frog....

I guess that is it today, boy I'm tired...

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