
Saturday, September 11, 2010

September 11, 2010

One of the teachers said to me yesterday, that she had just realized that her third grade students have grown up with our country always at war. Most were born in 2002, some in 2001. Since I was moved to 5th this year from my third graders, my students were 1 year old. We had a really good discussion about 9/11 yesterday. I brought in some books to share and I read "Bravemole" which is an incredible allegorical story about the events. I've read it the past couple of years to my classes.

This teacher also is the wife of a vet, whose husband has done several tours. We are going to try to do something incredible for Veteran's Day, but are still percolating on the ideas...

Please stop and take a moment to remember and reflect. I know that there are others out there that have it worse than Americans. Their countries have been devastated by years and maybe decades long wars. So just pause and think of them today...and maybe sing along with Darryl Worley..

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