
Sunday, February 27, 2011

An Unlikely Saturday

Yesterday I met a friend at The Connecticut Flower and Garden Show.  This is not something I would normally attend, but I hadn’t seen my friend Leona in over a year and had never met her newest little girl.  So off I went….to sit in traffic for close to an hour…

Getting there was fine, coming off the exit took close to 30 minutes..then finding parking another 15 minutes (and $9), then to stand in line and wait to buy a $14.00 (!) ticket another 15 minutes…..It’s a good thing I really wanted to see Leona!

Sure, I like looking at gardens and pretty flowers as much as the next person, but I don’t “garden.”  Anything I’ve tried to keep in the house has died…In my classroom, has died, and outside, has died.  Plus I hate dirt under my nails.  I hate dirty fingernails period!  The Hubs likes to garden though and he is already planning it out.  He was at the Ole Homestead yesterday working on the bathroom, so couldn’t go with me.

I did run into a couple of other teachers from my school and my besty, Deidre, showed up before I left.

Leona and her girls left before me, but they had been there for a bit when I finally got through the doors.

Her oldest was fascinated by this fake fire

DSC03380 and kept asking us to touch it….Kids are free under 7, which is a good thing, as there really isn’t anything for them..and it was wicked crowded with lots of strollers and older people with walkers…

Here are some of the exhibits:




DSC03387Things in trees…

Luckily I did find some vendors I enjoyed and got some kickass earrings and a pin from Etc. Design.  Love, love, love her stuff!!!


Also found the Hubs his birthday present – shhhh!!!!

DSC03389Deidre smelling the flowers..

DSC03391 I left soon after I found Deidre and her sisters…All in all, glad I went…doubt I’ll ever go again…Leona and I have plans to go to the Science Center next time…

1 comment:

  1. Hello Gracy,
    I just got your litte bear, the pink is perfect, it look soo cute.
    Thank you soo much for this sweet gift. I will post about it soon.
    Have a great weekend
