
Friday, February 25, 2011

The Village Wool

I tried to get to The Village Wool this summer.  However the day I stopped by they were in the middle of a flood....The apartment above the shop had sprung a leak...
So this past weekend, the Hubs and I were out and about and swung by.....It was worth the visit....Very friendly shop, crochet friendly, nice selection of yarn....lots of sales and not just on "fun" yarn (you see a lot of sales on those special fun yarns)  I walked around for a bit and then settled on these:
DSC03349So what’s here?
The black is Nashua Superwash and the purple next to it is Mirasol Chirupa in Electric Purple.  These have already been turned into a hat. 
The 3 purple/blue skeins in the back are Fibranatura Cobblestone – a scarf for me..
The three green are Mirasol Akapana for a cowl for a friend
Six skeins of Mission Falls 1824 wool in a deep red.  I am heartbroken that they are going out of business!
Marion the owner was very nice and she remembered me from when I’d stopped previously!
DSC03338They were unpacking lots and lots of yarn…and said there would be more sales….so I’ll be keeping my eye out…I liked them on Facebook to keep myself in the know…I will revisit….

Oh and we saw this bench on the way back to the for a seat?


  1. What do you plan to do with all the lovely yarn you're buying? (I know the obvious answer ;) Do you have projects in mind for anything yet?

  2. Nice yarn haul! I'm also sad about Mission Falls; their wool is such a great staple yarn, and they had lovely colors.
