
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Saturday here at home

I’m thinking it will be a pj day….I’m wearing my pink poodle pj’s today…I am not feeling well…stupid headcold…stupid Hubs for giving me a stupid headcold!


He is also sick, as is everyone at his parent’s house (parents and sister).  He has been out there all week…and now we are both sick…But his mom is the sickest…she is in the hospital….send good vibes her way….

He is going to visit her today..I’m not going…

Thursday we had our night parent conferences…we had conferences from 1:00 until 6:30, except the last 4 didn’t show up….yep, I like wasting my time waiting for you……We have 57 students….we got about 2/3 of our parents to show up…that’s pretty good….

But I came home and slept for 10 1/2 hours…Friday woke up with a sore throat…went to work…came home and slept for 2 1/2 hours….then another 8 hours last night…

Still tired, still have sore throat…ears aching…it’s a stay in bed kinda day!  Besides I have to start that train sweater for a friend….good reason to stay in bed, with large cups of tea…and maybe watch some Colin Firth as Darcy….


I also received another one of my OWOH prizes this week….It’s very pretty!

DSC03540It’s from Germany and I won it from this site

I hope you all have a great weekend!  I also have yarn to stash on Ravelry…


  1. Feel better soon, tea and soup and lots of sleep. Hope your MIL is better.

  2. A little Colin makes everything ok. Or at least it makes you forget your troubles while watching him. :) I really hope your cold is better quickly; colds always feel worse than I remember them. ugh.

  3. I love jammie days especially when I am not sick. Hope you are feeling better now. ;-)
