
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Yarn Along


~ Two of my favorite things are crocheting/knitting and reading, and the evidence of this often shows up in my photographs. I love seeing what other people are knitting and reading as well. So, what are you knitting or crocheting right now? What are you reading? Take a single photo and share it either on your blog or on Flickr.  ~   Ginny

Truly sorry for the crappy picture.  It’s almost 8 and it’s snowing outside…yep..first day of spring this week, and with it came the snow!  We had more than a dusting (somewhat of a crunching) on Monday…and up to 6 inches tonight…We have parent conferences tomorrow…we shall see…

So haven’t felt like blogging much, just been super busy with report cards, parent conferences, dads visiting…so decided to join Ginny for this one today…If you’d like to play along, head on over to Small Things.

This green ball of yarn will eventually become a sweater for a friend’s son, thinking of starting it tonight…and Gentle Warrior.  I love Julie Garwood’s historical books. I thought I had read them all, but I found this at a Borders closing sale last week….enjoying it, but not as much as some of her others….These are my “chick lit” light books.  I can usually read one in a night (if given the time) or a day…Love me a good historical romance…


  1. Just popping in to say "hi" as part of Yarn Along.

  2. I love seeing what other people are knitting and reading too.
    I must remember to join in one of these days.
    Have a great weekend.

  3. I'm only just starting to learn how to knit (scarves galore!) but I do love Julia Garwood.

    She was one of my first romance authors and even shows up in my 1993 diary.
