
Thursday, April 7, 2011


There seemed to be lots of crochet posts today.  It surprised me.  Most of the blogs that I read seem to be “knitting” blogs.  Just meaning that their main craft is knitting, so it was nice to read about their explorations into crochet.

I love crocheting and it was actually my bestest bud, Deidre, who got me back into it….How?  She got preggers!  I decided I wanted to make something for the baby.  So I bought some hooks and a couple of books and some nice scratchy acrylic yarn in fun colors and retaught myself.  I still owe Aiden a larger blanket.  He picked out the yarn awhile ago…

So today after dealing with the state IRS (not so bad) and then having no internet for 4 hours, and figuring it out myself while on the phone with the company, well it was nice to see the appreciation of crochet.

It’s often considered the ugly stepchild of the craft world…and yes there are some hideous things out there!  There is no need for a doll to sit on top of my extra rolls of toilet paper (shudder!), but some really beautiful and fun things, too!

Now I’m having yarn cravings again and that is no good!  Next weekend is the Rhody yarn crawl and the beginning of April break!!!  So I will be heading out there for a day or two (we may make a weekend of it – I really want to stay somewhere with an ocean view)  Then at the end of the month is the Connecticut Sheep and Wool Festival.  This was my first festival and although small, I enjoy going every year.  besides I found my favorite independent soap maker there!  So I am anticipating spending some money, but not a bunch….Then there is the I-91 Crawl in June. 

Hmmm the prospects of the yarn fumes are just so tempting…think I need to go smoosh some yummy yarn!

1 comment:

  1. My first crochet project was a crooked scarf! But, then I made a pretty shoulder bag. I taught myself through trial and error, but now I haven't done it for so long that I'll have to relearn it all over again...and absolutely no T.P. Dolls for me, lol!
