
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Field Trip!

Today we went to watch the Young People’s Symphony.  I wasn’t sure how it would be, as we sometimes have an assembly with some symphony people that is MIND-NUMBING!

However I got very excited when they played the Harry Potter theme and then the conductor said even though it wasn’t in the program, they were going to play John Williams most famous theme.  I’m loudly saying to my students, “It’s Jaws or Star Wars, Jaws or Star Wars!!!”  (My students have come to expect the GEEK in me in these situations! Hey I was the only teacher enjoying it, moving to the music, humming along, etc)

So then they played

New Britain Symphony

It was Geektastic!  I think I need to wear my Star Wars shirt tomorrow for dress down day!


  1. that is wonderful! i love star wars!!

  2. STAR WARS! I'm ashamed to say that time was I confused the Star Wars theme with the Superman theme - daft or what?!?!?
    So every time S did something amazing he wondered why I hummed the star wars tune. We had a right chuckle when I explained I meant to hum the superman tune :(
