
Friday, April 22, 2011

FO Friday


These you saw on Wednesday, but now they are finished…


DSC03749 The buttons are little red engines…I’m not thrilled with them, but it was what I could find.  They may get caught in the yarn… 

Pattern:  Improvised

Yarn: Plymouth Encore

Size: 2 year


Yarn:  Mission Falls 1824 Wool

Pattern: Improvised

Now I have to decide what I’m doing today…need to go to the store, but do I also head up to Webs with my gift card….or wait for the tent sale…which I’ve never been to????  Decisions, decisions…


  1. That sweater is so darn CUTE! You are very creative.

    BTW, why do you use the line "Gracey is not my name"? I ask because my younger daughter is Grace but NEVER call her "Gracey"!

  2. I vote Webs - a tent sale sounds great and adventurous!

  3. That train cardi is cute cute cute!

  4. I decided not to go to Webs, going to wait for the tent sale in a couple of weeks...but did go and get The King's Speech, which I have seen, but now I own because of Colin....awesome movie!

  5. Oh how cute! I love the train motif ... just adorable! :)

    PS. The King's Speech was fantastic, no wonder you wanted to make it your own! :)

  6. Thanks so much about the nice comment on my quilt! The green sweater is soooo adorable! I never managed something so creative when my kids were little!
