
Thursday, April 21, 2011

One of Those Days

Today has just been one of those days....

1.  Tried to fix sink plumbing, couldn't get the last big screwy thing off (Hubs tried when he got home and he couldn't either)  So gotta go get some Liquid Plumbr...and I had to wash my hands four times before the smell went away...

2.  Worked on a bag of bills and paperwork...I have boxes and bags of these all over the place and slowly working through them.....I got through one bag and was done and I had to take several breaks...

3.  Updated some things on the blog...

4.  Put away some winter coats....this is a chore, as I have to move a big basket of yarn and all the stuff on top of it.....also took out some of my springier anyone?

5.  During the moving of said basket found a huge box of sheet protectors, damn just bought some new ones last week!

6.  Shredding some of the paperwork, threw some away, tore some of it up....

7.  Finally decided to take a shower, after a quick 30 minute nap....

8.  Thought I'd go to Knit Night in North Haven, but nope didn't feel like driving the 45 minutes in skipped it and put on my pajamas...

9.  Pulled out the Kathy Merrick Splashy Scarf to work on and stared at it for about 20 minutes before deciding my brain could not handle it...

10.  Worked on the basketweave square from Learn to Knit....did one row, it was enough....

11.  Read through some posts, made some comments, cleaned up a few more things...

12.  And that was my day!  Exciting, Huh?

13.  I got lots of looksees from the Rhody Crawl post - but no frickin' comments!  Been kinda bummed about the lack of comments in I smell people?  It's also cuz I've been home all week and more frequently check the blog....

14.  Now off to add my latest finishes to Rav......finished pics tomorrow....

15.  Tomorrow need to add to my Colin collection, as The King's Speech came out and I get paid!


  1. My husband and I just watched The King's Speech last night. It is outstanding!!! If you haven't seen it, you'll love it. It also gave me two hours to work on Urbana. So it was a very lovely evening indeed.

  2. Oh no I've seen it! It's Colin for goodness sake! Now I have to own it!

  3. I just saw the King's speech for the first time last night too. So good!
    Hope your weekend is a little more fun!
