
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

WIP-it Wednesday!

I don’t normally follow these, as I’m usually at work…but since I am on vacation this week and crafting frantically to finish a few projects, I thought I’d share!
DSC03746Train sweater for a friend’s son.  The sweater I finished last week.  I did the train last night.  I need to go button shopping today.  I have some train buttons, but not loving them for this…This will be done for Friday.  Just need the button band and buttons done, not sure I’m edging it yet…
DSC03748 Another sweater for a young man.  I made this previously, but it was too small by the time winter came around.  So I am remaking it.
DSC03745 My Mission Falls 1824 Wool set.  I liked that the colors seemed kinda retro, so I went for a retro feel to this set.  I had a skein of the green, so I bought a skein of the purple and beige.  Then I got 6 skeins of the red at a closeout sale….I made the granny scarf, then had 7 grannies left over, so I’m making mitts.  Not sure I like the red…but not going to buy anymore yarn for this….I just need to finish the mitts and snip off ends…I already wove them in…
DSC03747 My knit project is “A Breath of Fresh Air” scarf by Debbie O’Neill for the February Loopy kit….I love this yarn.  It is The Alpaca Yarn Company Paca-Peds in Promise of Spring.
I am too lazy to do links today…sorry…
It is rainy and gray (grey) out, so pictures are kinda dull….sorry…
Now to go button shopping and shopping for a sink-puller-outer-yucky-stuff.  Then back home to clean a bit and then craft.  I may stop at the gym too….

ETA:  No gym, dropped a stack of hard heavy plastic baskets on big toe at Big Lots, now sore, swollen and black and blue...
and sink-puller-outer-yucky-stuff didn't work...DAMN!  Have to take the sink apart...YUCK!  Another day... So I can sit with toe up and craft another day away..................................


  1. Nice projects!! Hubby had to buy us a sink-puller-outer-yucky-stuff thingy today too!

  2. Love the Mission Falls scarf. Glad you got your hands on it before they went out of business!!!

  3. Sorry about your toe, rest up!
