
Monday, April 18, 2011

The Great Rhody Yarn Crawl

On Saturday I embarked on my second sponsored yarn crawl.  This one across the state of Rhode Island.  There were 15 stores participating.  I only made it to 6, but still did some damage.  The Hubs said I was varied this time, not all yarn…The Hubs went along to try and nab some fresh seafood, specifically clams….
The first shop was Knitwits in Westerly, RI.  I purchased a pattern book from Classic Elite, yarn and some buttons….They also had alpacas outside.  Very friendly shop, small but had plenty of variety…plus they gave out cloth bags with the purchase…great new project bag!
Then we moved on to Eneri Knits in Exeter.  Great open store…I didn’t purchase any yarn, but got a new Namaste bag….I can use this one as a purse, instead of a  project bag…that’s my fourth Namaste….trying to get them in all the colors!  They had a good selection of yarn, but it was mostly stuff that I can get locally….but love my Namaste…and they had Alpacas outside, too! Plus I got lots of comments on the hat/mitt set I was sporting!
Unwind in East Greenwich was next….I did get a skein of Madelintosh Sock that the Hubs liked a lot…..It was a friendly store and I got a good discount of 25%…..but it felt like they had just opened…the store didn’t seem quite “together.”  Not sure how long they have been open…I forgot to take pictures here…
Then we headed to Warren and went to Bella Yarns…great, friendly store!  I liked this one a lot….there were two people working (I think one was the owner) and they were very friendly and knowledgeable and “crochet-friendly.”  It said so in the window……Here I did some damage and bought two skeins of Mountian Colors Crazy Foot…one in the “clown barf” colors that the Hubs is so drawn to…I also got a Zauberball.   DSC03671
Next was Sakonnet Purls in Tiverton.  Really pretty area, a bit of a drive off the main road and there was construction.  But we eventually found it.  A lot bigger on the inside, just like the Tardis!  I wasn’t sure I was going to get anything here but some Lantern Moon needles and a hook, but walking around I saw a green bag I fell in LOVE with, so purchased the pattern from Plymouth Yarn and the yarn for it…..Can’t wait to start it, but it will wait for a bit!   It was cold in there, as it seemed to be an old house, with rambling rooms….I did not take any pictures here…I forgot
Last, but not least was The Knitting Corner and Beadery.  To be honest, I was a little yarned out by this time….I also could have done some damage in the bead room, but restrained myself.  Very friendly store!  Owner was great and from what I understand was opening on Sunday, even though she usually was closed….Here I got some needles I needed for the bag pattern and another Zauberball, why?  Because I forgot I had gotten the first one!  Same colors!  Different lots!  Oh well!
DSC03675 There’s the Hubs!
Then we headed to Pawtucket, and crashed in a hotel room for the night…
The next day was the Culminating Event!  We got there at noon, after realizing my GPS, Stella, sent us the wrong way down the street.
It was in a great old textile mill that is now a museum (I used to work in one of these mills!)  We didn’t do the tour, but I may go back….
I was very excited to see Heather of Sereknity again.  We had met at Coveted Yarn in Gloucester last month and she remembered me!  But then again we chatted for quite a bit!  I didn’t purchase anything from her, as I had checked my stash and realized I had five skeins from her I still had not used!  But we did chat for a bit…DSC03687
I also met Ysolda Teague and bought her first book…..Not sure when I’ll get around to making it, but now I have the famous Ishbel pattern…
I also ran into Stitchy McYarnpants….I had met her at Rhinebeck and played Rhinebeck Bingo with her, but of course she didn’t remember me….(lots of people at Rhinebeck!)  But did get a really cool alien project bag from her!  I love her retro stuff….but it’s not always something I would use…but I think it’s fun….
The only yarn I purchased was from Play at Life Fiber Arts.  It was cool looking and I kept going back to it.
There were some great artisans there.  Serendipity Needles had some really cool needles.  If I was better at knitting, I might have gotten some….
I loved this kit from Dirty Water DyeWorks.  If my skills were better, I might have purchased it.  Plus the Hubs was drawn to it too….I have bought items from her in her previous business as Dye Dreams….maybe if she’s at Rhinebeck this year….
The damage! DSC03718
DSC03683 And yes, The Hubs got his clams!  We ended up back in Connecticut at The Sea Swirl in Mystic.
And the PACAS!


  1. Yarn crawls are so much fun! I've never seen alpacas though. That's pretty cool.
    One time on a way home from a camping trip my friend's husband cut across four lanes of traffic because he saw sheep in a women's farm. My friend and I ran out of the car and the women was nice enough to take us in to meet all the sheep. It was really fun, but I think she might have thought my friend and I were just a little bit crazy:)

  2. Why are alpacas so darn cute?! That hair in their eyes must be the reason.
