
Friday, April 15, 2011

Play Ball! Or Just Eat!


I spent today here…with lots of kids….the minor league team in the town where I teach gives free tickets on one day for grades 3-8.  They are the grades that have to take The Connecticut Mastery Test (CMT). 

This year it was the Friday before Spring Break…and I am so ready for Spring Break…

Mostly the kids don’t watch the game, but go up and down going to the bathroom, visiting, getting food.  We used to have a no getting concession food rule, but the Superintendent said we had to let them, because the park was losing money giving us the tickets and we weren’t spending any money…So now I let my kids go once, but many other teachers just let them go and go….lots of wandering kids….

But all in all it is a fun day…we ended up in the shade this year and it was cold…brrr….luckily I had on some hand crochet (doesn’t sound as nice as handknit, not the same ring, but there you have it!)

And I’m ready for my nine days off!  I even managed to get most of my lesson planning done at school!  So didn’t bring any of that home, but will have to do some correcting…


  1. Our Spring Break is always in mid-March...and I always feel like it's too early. I wish ours was later.

  2. Now that would be a lot of wandering kids ... bring on that Break!! :D

    I hope you enjoy your nine days off ... I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time doing whatever you get up to! :D

  3. Being a teacher as well, I know how much you need that break! Enjoy every minute of it.

  4. enjoy the hell out of your well-deserved spring break, tammy! i hope you do a whole lot of nothing but resting and crocheting and knitting. and a little stash-enhancing if i know you. :)
