
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Stash Enhancement

You’ll have to forgive the pictures, as it is crappy raining here and will be all week…so figured I’d just take some crappy ones, until I can get better ones…

The Webs haul:

DSC04073 Each bag was a grab bag of a certain brand for $20.  I got 3…Berrocco, Plymouth Yarn Boku and Plymouth Yarn Encore…Encore is my go-to yarn now….

DSC04074This is what it looks like out of the bags….The Hubs said he really likes the Boku and I quote: “It looks like that Japanese yarn.”  I about fell over….then 10 minutes later, he says, “Noro, right?  That’s it’s name?”  He is a keeper!!!  The other day he asked why I had my project bag…again my mouth fell open…he really does listen!!!!!

The LYS haul:


The Sheep and Wool Festival haul:

DSC04076 The Sheep and Wool, I specifically wanted to get the skein on the left.  It is London Fog by Mocha’s Fibers.  She only had lace left at the CT Sheep and Wool and I wanted sock weight….Then I got a discontinued color from Dirty Water DyeWorks…the purple in the middle…and the last is Black Cherry from mad Color (formerly Sereknity)  I saw this from someone else and had to have it…

The total haul: 70 skeins….There were 10 skeins in each of the grab bags and 10 skeins in the bags of Mirasol and Cascade Dolce that I got…..

So who won???? Taleah!!!!  She guessed 50, but random generator picked her number.  I counted out everyone’s guesses (even if they were all in the same post) and there were a total of 27….Random generator picked 13….

So congratulations!!!!! We’ll talk, as you have a choice….


  1. WOW--that grab bag yarn is AMAZING! So much fiber goodness, lucky girl!

  2. Oh my goodness. That is nowhere near the nine that I guessed. Well done you. What a great yarn haul.

  3. Wow! That's an amazing haul. Clearly you had a great time. Do you have plans for any of it?
