
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Rhode Island Wool and Fiber Festival

This one was a bit different.  It was not held at a fair grounds, but at a living history museum.  It reminded me a lot of the Fiber Twist.

The Hubs decided to go with me and it was a long drive…2.5 hours….

It was held in Bristol, RI at the Coggeshall Farm.  We were able to go into the small farmhouse and it had a beautiful view….Overheard on the way in…3 local ladies…”Take a minute to appreciate where we live.” (not word for word)

DSC04098 beyond is water, I think it’s a bay…

DSC04101 The old farmhouse



DSC04104 The caretaker’s house…he/she live on site….there were a lot of free ranging chickens and turkeys wandering about.


We watched a sheep shearing, done with clippers


And this very interesting talk about flax


Then there were fiber enthusiasts gathered around


and yarn


This is the ONLY skein I bought!

DSC04116 Once I read it was called “Mamma Mia” I had to have it!  Plus they are having a contest!  Good Karma Farm

You make something with one skein of their yarn and submit a photo…they will randomly pick a winner.  The winner wins 8 skeins in a colorway that you get to name!  How cool is that!

I also got the Jacob horn earrings that I walked away from in New Hampshire…I was so happy she was there..Buttons, Strings and Things

and a cool Rocket Sheep shirt from Sheep in the Road.

I was expecting something bigger, but it was a beautiful day in a beautiful area and I got some fun things and had fresh seafood for lunch at a waterside restaurant with the Hubs…all in all a good day!

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