
Saturday, June 4, 2011

Another Saturday

I haven’t been home on a Saturday in weeks!  Weeks I tell you!  This is so unusual for me, as I am usually a bed potato on the weekends….but I’ve been out and about since May 14…

First I was in New Hampshire at a Sheep and Wool Festival, with a stop at Webs tent sale…


Then I was in Rhode Island for the Wool and Fiber Festival…


Then I was back in Massachusetts for their Sheep and Wool Festival and since we drove through Northampton, we stopped at Webs


And this Saturday, I am heading back to Massachusetts for a graduation party….and you now I need to get off the same exit as Webs, so another stop may be in order…

And I may be back in Northampton tomorrow night to see Natasha Bedingfield…not sure we are going, but possibly…I’m not working on Monday.

Today I am heading to a high school graduation party of a student I had in second grade many years ago…the family has kept in touch all of these years….should be fun….

And then we’ll see…I have nothing planned for next weekend yet…I don’t think, what is the date…oh next weekend is Connecticut Open House Day.  I went last year to places around my town, this year maybe I’ll head farther afield….need to peruse the list…

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