
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Procrastination is Thine Name

Yep, every year I promise myself...I will stay on top of the correcting...I will NOT have bags of work to correct before I can post grades in the gradebook/report card (it's online this year)...yep...every year....I finished two bags between yesterday and today....that's my homeroom...I still have a few bits and bobs of social studies, as I did not bring home the book and need to see the pages....

No, I don't still have TWO bags of correcting to do for the other homeroom, no sirree, I stayed on top of it....hmmm...maybe I can just dump it all into the circular file....

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear. I'm afraid I do the same thing. (I admit to doing some circular filing. :-/)
