
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Can We Talk Sock Knitting Books?

I have bought sock knitting books before I had even made one sock..these books, in fact:

DSC00229  I just looked at all the pretty pictures of socks, especially Cookie A’s and dreamed of the time when I’d be making some of those….

Well then I made one sock, emphasis on 1 sock and then I bought:

DSC00230 I read some great reviews on the Sock Knitting Master Class…I thought I had to get me some of that!  The other sock book as some very nice socks in it and it was on clearance (I forget where I got it)

Well then Borders announced it’s closing (moment of silence, I am so, so upset about this!!!)  Yes I know there is still B&N, and we do have a nook (ereader), but Borders had the best deals, especially for teachers…and I could just wander around in there for hours…and have spent many pleasurable afternoons turned into evenings there….so, of course I had to go scope out the crafts books….because ya’ know they usually only have 1, so if you want it….I came home with this:

DSC00228  Now I have no idea if I will like Toes up construction, but I figured I better get them while they were on sale…yeah it wasn’t a big discount, but I’m a BORDERS PLUS member, so I got 10% added onto whatever the discount was….

Now I didn’t realize quite how many I had until I put them together to take pictures….any you would definitely recommend?

And I will say, I did read the books before making A sock, but it was gobbledy-gook to me…I had an A-H-A moment when actually making the sock and turning the heel and completing the foot….(even though I had help on an early, never finished sock) it didn’t CLICK until then…..

And in full disclosure, I also came home with a video (Dr. Who Christmas episode), 5 teacher resource books and 5 historical romances (ya’ know the Scottish bodice ripping kind)

1 comment:

  1. I'm very jealous - I don't yet have any sock books! I've made 2 pairs of plain and simple socks and have 2 more on the needles - it's about time I got a book I think! Will be interested to hear what you think of the Sock Knitting Masterclass one, I've been eyeing it for a while ;)
