
Sunday, July 24, 2011

What An Evening!

Last night I spent the evening with Barbara Streetsand, Robin Banks/Judy Garland, Chastity Singer/Cher, Ebony Pearl and Morgana De Luxe……I went to my first drag show at Chez Est.  It was so much fun!!!!!!

DSC00194 As you can see we were visited by Barbara….who we went to see….Her alternate personality is a friend from high school named Tony….He has invited me several times to a show.  So I was finally able to go and it was so much fun!!!!!  I met up with two other HS friends, Rhonda and Lisa…

Barbara Streetsand and Robin Banks

This was part of the opening number.  I did not videotape the whole thing…

Morgana De Luxe  Ebony Pearl

Chastity Singer Barbara!

Barbara and Morgana (sorry pics are a bit crappy)

End of the night…..One of the other performers also was a year or two ahead of me in HS…I could not get a good picture of Robin Banks (say that outloud to get it!) But she’s in the first video…

And then Tony did a song in his own voice….(the show was mainly lip-synched)

Barbara Streetsand with Tony’s voice

It was just a fun evening!

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