
Friday, July 1, 2011

Lazy Cooking

I'm not a cook, and I don't take great pleasure in cooking....and so tune out when a conversation turns to cooking...My Hubs, on the other hand, loves to cook.  When he is home, he makes most meals, (sometimes I'll make breakfast, I LOVE breakfast foods!)  So when he is working, I have to fend for myself....(sometimes he'll prep it and I just have to throw whatever in the oven, on the stovetop)....

When that is NOT the case, I usually fall back on the same ole, same ole...either a pork chop or chicken breast, with either a salad or potatoes....I have waxed poetically about potatoes before...the perfect food..

I bought some gourmet potatoes the other day and this is my quick and easy potato recipe....

cut them into fourths/pieces
sprinkle some lemon juice and olive oil onto them
season with favorite seasoning (mine happens to be lemon/pepper)
throw them in the microwave for 6-10 minutes (depends on your microwave)
MMM, MMM, good!!

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