
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

MIA in Woonsocket, RI

Hi all!  I disappeared for a few days…POOF!!  I was gone…didn’t really want to go, because I was going to work….and hard, dirty, hot work….what was I doing you ask?  I was selling fireworks!

DSC04502 Every day we unpacked this, into this

DSC00001 We had to unpack each of the boxes and display the fireworks…

DSC00002 Then people shopped

DSC00004 and bought

DSC00011 It was the second year it was legal in Rhode Island…We were there for two days by ourselves, then my nephew joined us

DSC00008 Although this picture doesn’t show it, he worked hard and helped a lot!    We also had a monkey helper


DSC00010 He wasn’t such a help packing up at night though, he did help sell some Funky Monkey cakes….

It was tiring, 12-14 hour days.  It was hot and dirty, but it was also fun and I made some extra money and was able to visit 3 yarn stores (more on those later) and spent some time with the Hubs and the Neph!….not sure I want to do it again next year, but the Hubs does….

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