
Friday, July 8, 2011

No Finished Objects Friday

So how about some new stash enhancement?

While I was in Rhode Island, I visited 3 LYS’.  One in Woonsocket, one in Pawtucket and one in Wayland.

I only took pictures at one of them.  The first one I visited was nice, but had weird hours: 12-6 most days, 7-9 on one day….It was hard to get to it.  It was in a great old textile mill.  The shop had a nice range of yarn and was pretty well organized.  The shop was called Yarnia.  I can’t link it to a website, as my computer has warned me that it is a malicious site.  I bought some pretty green and black yarn, hand dyed by the owner.

DSC00097 It is Columbia wool and he made sure to tell me it was not superwash.  I think it’s going to become a big fun stripped hat with a pompom, maybe for Rhinebeck this year.  The yarn still smells a little sheepy…

Then we stopped at Peter Patchis Yarn.  I didn’t know what kind of shop this was, as there was no description in the book…..But it’s in another old mill, and you walk up some stairs and there it is.

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It’s a big giant room filled with cones of yarn.  I didn’t end up buying anything, but it was neat to walk around…Here’s the Hubs and the Neph…

DSC04513 If I was a weaver this would have been a great place to visit.  It reminded me of when I worked at Charles House and Sons.  I worked on the giant looms and then I worked in the spinning room.  Yes, folks, I worked in a textile mill, before they all shut down around here.  We mainly made pool table cloth.

The last place I visited was Wayland Yarn Shoppe. She does not seem to have a website.  It was in a residential neighborhood, very small and was packed.  The Hubs and the Neph walked in with me and immediately turned around and walked back out.  It was kinda like walking into someone’s living room.  She was having a sale, so I bought some Noro

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The green is Noro Retro and is just such a bright, springy green.  The variegate is Noro Taiyo.  Neither of these Noro yarns have I seen before…The Taiyo will become a scarf. 

Then I indulged and bought some Filatura Di Crosa Pamir.  It is Wool/cashmere/silk blend and utterly luscious!


Today I slept the morning away and now I am updating my Rav project page…I have tons to do in the house, cuz it’s a disaster, but I just can’t bring myself to clean….I am still so exhausted from RI, good excuse huh? Winking smile


  1. Pool table cloth was handmade ?? I'm amazed ...Nice stash additions :)

  2. Not handmade, made on very large machines that we ran. We had to fix any breaks and keep the machines running..

  3. I'm loving the springy green Noro. The green and black wool is cool, too.

  4. A trip where you can visit multiple yarn stores has got to be the best kind! Those cones look amazing - I probably would have been tempted to get some and wind them into balls...

    Your purchases look super though - you can never go wrong with Noro.
