
Saturday, September 10, 2011

Are You A Good Witch?

As I said in a previous post, The Wizard of Oz is my all time favorite movie.  I have also come to enjoy Wicked, the Musical.  Although I must confess, I never finished the book…..
The play is back in Hartford and they have a display at a local mall, so I took a gander over yesterday…
There are three costumes on display..
Elphaba’s witch costume
DSC00663 The detail in this is amazing!

Glinda’s bubble costume


and Glinda’s Popular costume

I’m heading back today, because they have  prize raffley thing going on…You have to collect 5 witch stamps from different places in the mall and then you are entered to win Wicked stuff….I got three last night before I was so tired, I was falling down…the deadline is tomorrow….

1 comment:

  1. Fascinating! The costumes are gorgeous.

    I've just been catching up with your last few posts. Goshen Fair looked amazing - all those unusual animals! And you didn't buy any yarn!???? I'm not quite sure I could be so restrained. :-)
