
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Where I'm From

Where I’m from

I am from the many places I’ve lived, from my grandparent’s basement apartment to Army housing in Germany.

I am from a blended, chaotic home of stepsisters coming and going and a sports obsessed younger brother.

I am from Jessie’s, Scovilles’s,  LaChappelle’s, and Martin’s.
I am from strong French Canadians and a mixed lineage that makes me a true “American Mutt.”

I am from great-grandma’s lollipop box, Meme’s rocking chair, “don’t jump on the well!” and Pepe’s old station wagon.

I am from crochet lessons, loud family gatherings, beautiful smiles and short statures…

I am the family repository of lineage.  I keep the births and deaths.  I’ve trooped through cemeteries, squinted at microfiche and thumbed through hundreds of record books.

I am strong and resilient.
I am who I am from all that I came from and those who came before me.

(try writing your own Where I'm From poem)  It is inspired by George Ella Lyons.
I have two versions that I have been working on for awhile, but just finished this one..

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