
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Cranky and Crankier

It all started with the shoes....three pairs before I found a pair to wear...the other two hurt my feet...

Then the hair, it just wouldn't work today....

And it was pouring rain again....

And we had a staff meeting, so staying after longer....

And my Nerd Wars swap box STILL hasn't arrived....

And it's been a week of failure in the craft department....

And the Hubs is working, so I have to scrounge my own dinner....

And it's cold.....

And I only got the minimum points for my Nerd War projects....

And I have a headache starting.....

Just a crappy day...

1 comment:

  1. :(

    Hope your day improves, I hate it when everything seems to add up to a whole load of suck.
