
Monday, September 5, 2011

Second Sock Syndrome

I completed my first pair of socks awhile ago…the Knitmore Vanilla pattern


Now I am having issues:

DSC00636 See these two socks.  The first sock I ever started was that green one.  The pattern is from Tsarina of Tsocks and the Tsocks 101 pattern…I finished the one, although there is a definite difference from where I stopped and picked up again.  I started and completed the Knitmore pattern before I completed this one sock.  And I had some help from Wife, “Mom”, Knitter on my first heel flap and gusset.

Then I took up the knit a pair of socks during Sock Summit weekend challenge and made one Jaywalker (Rav link).

I have now cast on and ripped back the second Jaywalker at least 4 times.  I can’t get the DD and the F/B to line up…..

The Tsocks 101, I just cast on the second sock and I cast on correct and messed up the cuff…”Face Palm!”  Instead of the P3, K3, I did P2, K2 and had to rip it all apart….

So I’m ready to put them both in timeout for awhile….any other easy first time sock patterns to try out there?  I think I might cast on my first toe-ups….


  1. I'm still knitting vanilla socks (2 1/2 pairs so far) plus a fairly vanilla toe up pair, so no recommendations from me, but I will be watching to see what others suggest - I want a more interesting, but simple, pattern too!

  2. my problem with sock knitting is a different one... i seem to be unable to start the second one... i have a bunch of single socks now because i just cant/wont do the same thing all over again... am afraid that i cant help you on this one. good luck though
