
Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Sun Will Come Out


Today it looks like this


Yesterday, the Winggirl and I headed to the Goshen Fair…there were

DSC00589 giant pumpkins

DSC00588 giant cows

DSC00611 a star-horned Jacob’s sheep

DSC00613 a sheep that really wanted our apple fritters

DSC00608 stripped bunnies

DSC00618 Momma pigs

DSC00617 same alpacas

DSC00615 some yarn…the winggirl is checking it out in her new cowgirl hat…I did not buy any, instead I bought a bag and LOTS of food, a birthday gift and some food to gift to others….

Our favorite?  The Audubon show with Sophia, the barred owl and Mandi, the red-tailed hawk.  Sophia had been taken out her nest and raised as a pet…so she really likes people, so she cannot be released.  Mandi, has lost and eye, so she cannot be released…




DSC00593 Sorry about the redeye, couldn’t find that setting on my camera…and too lazy right now to try and fix it…

It was a gorgeous day!

1 comment:

  1. I so miss the country fairs. I remember going with you and we watched the Irish dancers. I bought my Irish Angel there. I used to go ever year to the Lebanon Fair with Aunt Irene and would get the weekend pass.They don't really have the same kind of fairs down here. They are more like festivals and big.
