
Thursday, October 13, 2011

2 More Sleeps Until


I first went to Rhinebeck four years ago….I have grown so much since then!

I am knitting…….I was only crocheting before…..

I am not buying yarn as wily nily……

I actually know some designers by name and recognize many of the yarn designers….

In fact tomorrow when I get home I’ll be going through the vendor’s list and making my choices of booths to visit…..I’ll get to them all, or browse them all, but which ones do I want to make a point to stop at…

I’ve got a couple of things on my shopping list….I’ve been attracted lately to the black yarns with dashes of color…My best bet will probably be Sanguine Gryphon, but if it’s craziness like last year, I’ll move on…..I’ll see if I can find it somewhere else….I’m also looking for a luscious pink yarn for a Christmas gift….

I have to buy socks for the Hubs at the Red Maple booth…he said they are the best socks he has ever worn…..

I’m thinking about sock blockers, what kinds are best…the wooden (so pretty) or the open wire ones?  Or would those be best bought NEXT weekend at Stitches East?

I’m going to play Rhinebeck Bingo again…second year…I’ll have my sheepy stickers again……

Now if only I could figure out what to wear…..It might be too warm for sweaters (and I have no handmade ones), but I’m always cold….

Decisions, decisions……it’s time for bed and then it is only 1 MORE sleep until RHINEBECK!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Have a blast and check out some gorgeous stuff for me too. I'm jealous and wish I could go!
