
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

WIP Wednesday and Yarn Over

DSC_0041-1 tami_wip

It’s been awhile since I have done one of these…and I decided to change things up a bit….

I pulled out several books that I have started, but for one reason or another, never finished….these will be the books I’m going to read in the next couple of weeks….although I am also going to read I Am A Genius of Unspeakable Evil and I Want to be Your Class President.  by Josh Lieb.  One of my students took it out of the library and I read a bit of it and it’s HILARIOUS!

I also finished The Hunger Games last week…..very good book.  The sequels are on order for the school library, so I’m waiting for them to come in…it really was very good!

So what’s in my tried to read and stopped for one reason or another pile (and this is not a definitive pile, I didn’t pull them all out…also sitting on the side of my bed with a bookmark in it is The Lampshade)


The Book Thief – I thought I finished this, but I can’t remember an ending, so gonna go back and peruse it.

A Dance of Dragons – taking my time, as there is no rush to finish this, as it’ll be YEARS before the next is released…

March – Interesting, but just put it down and never picked it back up…I love Louisa May Alcott

I Capture the Castle – I bought this in Corpus Christi when my dad was sick…and haven’t picked it back up since I got home…

Wicked – love the play, could not get through the book….

The Lovely Bones – at one time I had two hardcover copies of this, I may still have the other one here….don’t know I put this down…my kind of book…

The Children of Men – like the movie, book is different

Sugarcane Academy – a book about a school after Katrina, it’s almost done

The Girl in the Mennonite Dress – barely started it…


The Dome - LOVE Stephen King….Hubs finished it first, then gave to sister to read and I keep forgetting about it….

and my tower of books may fall sometime during the night, as I pulled books out of it…yeah that one in the far left corner…


Now onto the yarny things….Rav links…


From the left:

A Breath of Fresh Air Scarf

Dipped Infinity Scarf –almost done

Chain Lace Big Fat Scarf – not gonna be done for Rhinebeck

A pair of fingerless gloves I started…

Also not a definitive list, but the projects I’ve worked on the most in the last couple of weeks…


  1. Not having seen Wicked, it was fairly easy for me to get through the book (which, BTW, is quite wonderful). I think it helped that I read some of his other works prior to reading Wicked, though. I had read Mirror Mirror, Confessions of an Ugly Step-Sister and one of his other ones...or maybe it was just those two before I read Wicked. I can't remember.

  2. I loved the book theif and march, hope you enjoy them! Your yarn wips look great!

  3. Your breath of fresh air scarf is stunning! Love the colors. Your other two scarves are very nice too :)

  4. Thoroughly enjoyed The Lovely Bones. Be warned I do know a few people that couldn't get through it because they found it too grim. I look forward to your review of it.
