
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Rhinebeck 2011 Shopping!

This year I only went on Saturday.  Some day I’d love to stay in a house with friends, but I really don’t know anyone else around me who’d be interested in going…but that just sounds like so much more fun!

This year was my favorite, so far!

I got in early and it was not very crowded..


DSC00914 This was waiting in line for the gates to open and I noticed this skirt on two different people…I later saw it on a few other people, including Gingy, whom I met last year.  I found out it is the Lanesplitter.  It’s a free pattern and I think I might have to try it…I was truly taken with it….

I wandered around for a bit, heading into the A, B, C, D buildings first….That’s where I met Catherine Friend.  I commenced the shopping…

DSC00917 Into The Whirled I bought one skein of 3 ply superwash called Trajectory.  I wonder if they are going to be at Stitches, because I wish I had bought the Vampires of Venice yarn.  I keep thinking about it…

DSC00919 Bitsy Knits Fiber Arts.  I bought the pink I was looking for and a sale yarn, Bitsy’s Sock in Love of Art.

Moving on to The Fold, where I got some Socks that Rock.  A Rare Gems and Plankton Ooze..


I hadn’t even gotten to the barns yet! I noted two more booths that I wanted to revisit…then headed to the barns…

DSC00935 At this booth, I bought some sock yarn…

DSC00934 Each skein is spun exactly the same, so the two socks will come out the same…

DSC00945 This was Maple Creek Farm, where I bought one of those end skeins on the left….my black with shots of color…

Then I headed back to the first buildings and bought some Fiber Optic


And some really cool black and orange yarn from Blue Ridge Yarns.  This is a picture of her red, white and blue yarn…very cool!


Then I headed to Miss Babs, where I got some Yummy and Windsor yarns…one called “Witch’s Brew.”


All in all, pretty refrained for me….12 skeins in all (counting the 2 sock as 1)




  1. I believe I picked up some Witch's Brew from Miss Babs, as well....and Ghoul Friend :)

  2. Looks like a good haul to me :) You chose some fab colours - the one on the left in the first picture is my favourite I think.

  3. that certainly IS restrained for you! don't you hate to not get something and then have it haunt you? i still remember some buttons i wish i'd bought at last year's rhinebeck. very nice haul, m'dear.

  4. How do you not buy everything in sight? My good that's even crazier than the frolic
