
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Rhinebeck 2011–Everything Else!

Rhinebeck Bingo!  After charging through the first couple of buildings and just focusing on the yarn…I decided I need to look for Rav people for Rhinebeck Bingo!

Stitchy McYarnpants organizes it every year and it’s a blast to play!  And I ran into my first square!

DSC00929 This is knitterotica.  I must say, she just looks like a blast to know!

Men in kilts, I saw a few…


DSC00930 A great granny square coat..

DSC00931 A bit of fall color!

DSC00937 Knitted manatees and this is the booth I bought my cool acorn earrings…


DSC00939 Lines at The Sanguine Gryphon,  which I decided not to wait in….

DSC00942 Goats

DSC00947 Llamas, my first Appaloosa Llama…I didn’t take any pics of the alpacas….

DSC00944 Vegetables for sale next to yarn…

Rav meetup

DSC00957 DSC00959

DSC00958 This is the group I sometimes join on Thursdays….they made very cool sparkly hats…Nutmeg Knitter and Wife”Mom” Knitter are part of this group. I got to meet Nutmeg’s little nutmeg…

Also at the meetup, I ran into the group I met at the hotel last year.  They actually came up and said hi and remembered me.  I’m always surprised when people remember me…So I saw Gingy and PeonyUnderhill, and Abby.

2 very cool things happened….one, I met Vanessa

DSC00960 She traveled from Australia…very cool!  We hung out for a bit and she got to meet Jess and Casey…yes I said hi too…

Two years ago I met Ann from Norway.  Love how Rav, has brought people from all over together….

I also won a hat!  StevenA was on my Bingo card and he said on his blog the first person to ask would receive a hat….So I saw him at the meetup and noone had asked yet, so yeah I won a hat! It’s cool, cuz it’s not a color I would pick, but will look good with jeans…


and then the Jack O’Lanterns

DSC00972 DSC00973


Now I am gearing up for Stitches East…they don’t “allow” pictures….but people take them…I’ll be working in booth 719…I’ll be there all day Friday, sporadically on Saturday and maybe Sunday…so if you are around, stop by and say “Howdy!”

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