
Friday, October 21, 2011

What’cha Complete This Week?

I was busy on Sunday…I completed 3 things…yep…3 – all for Nerd Wars

DSC01002 The SG1 patch that is worn on their uniform…First time I have crocheted using embroidery thread….it wasn’t that tough..even though I had to use a leetle, bitty hook….

blooper See here?  This is where it goes….but someone was asleep in costuming that day…did you spot the mistake?

DSC00997 This?  This is a Goa’uld symbiote.  They are pretty nasty and burrow into the back of the neck and take over a person’s body….they look like this


And the burrowing part is not fun…


Then I made a hat for Teal’c.  He’s got a gold tattoo on his forehead that he hides a lot….especially when on Earth…or tries to…

t4 Look Teal’c in a Stetson, before they were cool!

t2 So I made him a hat….

DSC01014 I know I make a lot of hats….look another one I completed tonight!


DSC01044 Adapted from this hat.  I’m wearing it at Stitches tomorrow.  I wanted to crochet something out of yarn she sells…as she has some knitted samples, but not many crocheted ones….So if you’re coming to Stitches…I’ll be sporting this hat…It’s very warm, made out of Mirasol Miski….

And if you want to see more head over to

and I also linked to Fiber Arts Friday



  1. Love the hat! I made a similar one last year...
    maybe I'll see you at Stitches!

  2. Great projects :) I love the hat - Mirasol Miski is gorgeous yarn

  3. Lots of great hats! Your SG badge is making me want a Star Trek federation badge!

  4. The symbiote makes me think of the old Vincent Price movie titled The Tingler. Nice knits, the hat with the brim is super cute.

  5. Cute hat and it's a great color too!

  6. These Nerd Wars are all-consuming! Glad to see you using a "leetle" itty bitty hook - they are fun!

  7. lovely FOs! I like all your fan crafts =)

  8. Nerd Wars sounds like fun! The blue hat is wonderful, you'll get lots of compliments on it.

  9. I love your projects! Especially the hat. I am having so much fun with the NW challenges. I am so glad I am participating this round. Ok, better finish reading blogs, I have two challenges to knit for ;-)

  10. Like the hats, not up on the wars thing, and your creature gives me the willies....hate creepy crawly things. lol
