
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Stitches - Day 2

Sunday was my second day at was pretty steady all day until about 3...the marketplace closed at 4.....but I was still able to wander around a bit...take some pictures..and shop....
Long Island Livestock Company brought their spinning wheel chair...they normally have a llama chair, but he is being repaired...this one is very cool too!
A Hundred Ravens was vending here...I first found them last weekend at FFNE..they are my new favorite!
I bought some Captain Jack Harkness from them...because truly who can walk away from Capt Jack..(he is a Dr. Who character played by John Barrowman)
I also got a mitt kit from them..I wanted to try their knit one, but by the time I went back..only the crochet ones were left....but they are very Austeny.....

This button booth was across from us...and I bought many buttons from a sheep pin!  She is artglass on Ravelry...she was fun to talk to!

My final, last minute (10 minutes before the close of the day) was this....
Aren't I stylin'?  I love it!!!!!!! It's from Toucan Collection in New York....

So my loot the second day?
The top thing int he bag is a loom kit from Drew Embrosky to make flowers....then the two artglass buttons I bought for my two Lucy hats....
Capt Jack Harkness from A Hundred Ravens; the mitt kit from A Hundred Ravens; Charm from String Theory (alpaca and silk..I will be petting this a lot)....Red Maple from Dragonfly Fibers...and then a skein of Araucania Nuble to add to my other two for a crocheted my hat...

All in all..a great weekend....with some awesome stash to wait for almost 5 months before the next one....what will I do?


  1. You enabler! As soon as I saw Captain Jack, I lost my mind. I've now got some BFL/silk on the way in the Bad Wolf colorway.

  2. You know what they say about pay back...I know you have enabled me!
