
Monday, November 11, 2013

Stitches - Fiber Celebrities

First, the most exciting thing happened!  I met Franklin Habit!!!!! I read his blog, the Panoptican.  I wasn't sure it was him, but his name tag said I said hi and I read you blog...we talked for a few minutes..took a picture and he went on his way...but I was so excited!!!!!!  He was so friendly
and just nice to talk to!
It was the highlight of my day!

I also saw Stacey Trock again....I read her blog and I have met her several times in person....on Saturday, she was signing books, so I stopped by to say hi....and then on Sunday, she was walking by our booth and I think I startled her..I had brought my book in case I saw her, so she could sign it..and I had just gotten to the booth and was so excited to see her walking by.....she has a great blog, with lots of tutorials...

On Saturday, I also ran into Drew Emborsky, The Crochet Dude.  I have been running into him for YEARS..starting at the CGOA conferences....and we have a running thing...see he knows, he knows me..but really doesn't know he usually says something like..I'm supposed to know you....this year, it was you did something with your hair..(cut off 14 inches since last seeing him)  He complimented my hair...we chatted..I left...didn't get a picture this time...

 See I know these fiber "celebrities" meet thousands of people in their line of work...but it is nice to be recognized, even if they don't really know me....I've met many of these "celebrities" through the many fiber events and conferences I have attended...and all of them just seem so genuinely glad to see you....and have been so friendly...

There were others wandering around...caught a glimpse of Margaret Hubert, she is such an original...I've talked with her several times...Dee Stanziano, who I have know for years....and I think I may have seen Lily Chin, but never got a great look at her face..she was at a booth across from us shopping...

I used to run into Doris Chan all the time, but haven't seen her in awhile....and I loved meeting Kathy Merrick a couple years ago...she is my favorite crochet designer (she designed the famous Babette blanket, that I will never make), but haven't seen them making the rounds in awhile..

and I know many of the "celebrities" I spoke of are known more for crochet...these are the ones, I've known the longest, as I have crocheted longer than knitting...but fiber "celebrities" who are know for knitting are fun to meet too!....I met Clara Parkes at Rhinbeck this year....


  1. Wow, how cool! I've heard a lot about how nice Franklin Habit is in person. That's great.

  2. Ohhhhhhh my god! I think if I met Franklin Habit I would freak out! His blog is my favorite out of the "internet famous" knit blogs out there.

  3. I adore Franklin's classes and the man himself. He is almost of another age and a refreshing change. I dared not ask to pose for a photo. You both look great!
