
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Yarn Club!

So a little while ago, I heard tell of a new yarn that is hailing from Sunnydale.....well I knew I wanted to be a part of the Patrol....but they weren't taking just the Almighty Random Number Generator was making the choices!  And lucky me, I got in on Patrol 1! I'm a member of the Scooby Gang!

This club comes from two fellow Nerd Warriors....KnottyLa of DizzyBlonde Studios and Heather of Mad Color....I was excited!

So I was waiting for that package, I knew it should have arrived...and it hadn't.....Christmas morning the Hubs throws me a package and says, "You can hit me."  It was the yarn!  It had come the previous day and he had snagged it and wrapped it...jerk!

It is inspired by Season 1 - Episode 6 - The Pack...and is called "Leader of the Pack"  The colors match Xander's sweater so well!  I like brown, so this is good for me...and it is squishy...It's 400 yards of an 80/10/10 MCN blend....also included was a stitch marker

ETA:  if you don't understand the references, it's a Buffy the Vampire Slayer Club.....

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on getting into an exclusive club. You can't go wrong with a MCN blend, IMHO.

    I got sucked into another round of Mad Color. It was Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I can't wait to see what wild colors Heather does for this.
