
Monday, December 30, 2013

Yankee Candle Factory

On Saturday I headed to Deerfield, Mass with my sister and nephews.  There were six of us, Lynn, her husband, Vito, Marco, Christian and Ali.  If you read my blog this summer, you are all familiar with Christian, he was on the road trip with me.  Ali is an exchange student living with my sister from Pakistan, really, really intelligent kid!  And Marco, love Marco..last time I was at the World's Trade Center was with Marco.  I had taken him to New York for his birthday in March 2001 and we went up in the Towers.

We had a ball...but it was a long day..and the place is very LARGE!  We ended the night with dinner at Zen, an Asian Fusion restaurant in Northampton, Mass.

The Museum part

They have a line of knit inspired ware

There was lots of picture taking, shopping, candle making, Santa photobombing
 ....and then eating....


  1. Looks like a cool place! I will have to check it out when my mom comes to visit - She loves Yankee Candles :)

  2. Just plan on at least 2 hours....there is a place to rest and grab a snack..there is also a restaurant attached...

  3. Candle making sounds fun! I love Yankee candles.

  4. Looks like fun! I think the knitwear inspired designs are pretty cool.
