
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Knitters Nook - Delray Beach, FL

So when I went to stay with my Aunt Kathy in Margate, FL, after my visit with my Mom (this is my father's older sister, and I hadn't seen her since my father was in the ICU in Corpus Cristi four years ago).  My Aunt Kathy is lovely, and she is loved by us all....and she was determined to find me a yarn store to visit.  Even my Uncle Bill, her husband, who just turned 80, was looking up yarn stores online.  Gotta love them...I realized after I left, that we forgot to take a picture, so I snagged one from her Facebook page..
That's my Aunt Kathy, Uncle Bill and their kids, Bill, Debby and Tracy..(and Debby just won the Georgia Female Vocalist award this year!)

So, what has this to do with yarn...well we eventually found a place open in Delray Beach, called Knitters Nook..and Aunt Kathy and I ventured forth...The owner Deborah was extremely friendly...
This beautiful sample was by the door...

I love the seating area.  The store had lots of nice yarn.  The picture second to last is their sale aisle..I love that it is dressed up...There was also a room, just peeking behind the red tissue paper, with a winder and swift..and a gentleman to wind your yarn...Lots of samples...lots to look at...I splurged and bought Lotus Yarn Mimi, which is100% mink.

I'm thinking a stripey kinda shawl, I only have 660 yards, so maybe more of a shawlette...

This is my latest in my LYS series...I blog about different LYS around the country..if traveling and interested, you can find my list here...or my list of Connecticut LYS


  1. Wow - that yarn store is huge! I hope you like our yarn store in Hamilton -Handknit, it is smaller but cute still!

  2. That is so sweet of your aunt and uncle! And what a find of a shop! It looks so tempting to BUY EVERYTHING!!!
