
Friday, August 1, 2014

FO Rainbow Wings :(

So I didn't finish Rainbow Wings, mostly because I got distracted by socks..and at this moment..I am traveling...and I do the driving, so no car knitting for me (I have tried it, it makes me carsick, just like reading) but I did take it along with me...

But I do have other things that I forgot to show...Nerd Wars round 2 just ended...and I have three projects I did for the challenges...

First up..passage of me is measured by buses....yep..those things start appearing, my summer is over...and during the school year....well my day is ruled by them...I have been wanting to make one of these scarves forever!  And since I also do bus duty, the kids will love it when I'm wearing it...

I also made a cuff...this cuff was to reflect the colors of Chiana from Farscape...I love the makeup on that show...I also think I might be making more of these...I received one in a swap and am just loving it! I attached glass beads on it..they look much better in person..

If you are unfamiliar with Chiana

And lastly, a pair of fingerless gloves...because I absolutely adore them and they are so easy to make...these are a very springy version...

What did you make this week?  Hooking up with Fiber Arts Friday and Creative Friday.


  1. The bus scarf is perfect, the kids will love it. Agree with you regarding mitts: fun, fast and so easy to wear. In other words: the ideal quick project.

  2. just love the bus scarf!! I might have to make myself one! It is so much fun!

  3. Look at you go! I love the bus scarf. What a fun idea. The beaded cuff is just rock star! I'm always a sucker for mitts. Love them.
