
Friday, November 21, 2014

Socks Friday!!!!!!

So I have two finishes this week...socks...yeah!  Both pair were made in about a month....I'm on a sock roll....

Name: Do Zombies Skype?
Pattern:  Simple Skyp socks
Yarn: Holiday Yarn Flock Sock in Zombie Romance
I changed the length of the heel flap.  They are still a bit big around the foot.  Also I may need to put elastic in my cuffs, as I can't seem to get my cuffs to stay up...or I need a less stretchy cuff...But I love the pattern.  I will make it again...or try the Skyp ones...


Name: October Fire
Pattern: Vanilla Latte
Yarn: Friday Studios Monday in Girl on Fire
Again I shorted the heelflap.  The leg is also very long in these...The toe increase is a bit funky, my fault, not the pattern.  Also I was suppose to knit a row between each pattern row and I forgot, so these are very stretchy...

I'll be wearing these today to go watch Mockinjay...

So that is it for me today..head on over to these places to checkout other projects..

Chrisknits, Fiber Arts Friday and Creative Friday


  1. Love the socks! And lucky you, Mockingjay isn't out here yet!

  2. Your feet look so warm and cozy, and mine do not! I need to get back to knitting socks.

  3. Sooooooooooooooocks! I wish I had more time to work on my socks but with the pattern and needing to read the chart, it doesn't work well in my house. Someday, though :)

  4. Love the socks! such fun colors! i haven't tried socks yet, not sure I am ready for that! Have a good weekend!

  5. I LOVE both of those socks! I need to be better about longer cuffs when I knit socks.

    Your Girl on Fire socks are rockin! I love that yarn.

  6. The look good. I always have to shorten the heel flap! I am super excited to go see Mockingjay!!!!
