
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Stitch Along Wednesday

Good morning from an early, very cold morning on the east coast of the US....thankfully we haven't received the snow that poor upstate New York has's crazy!
photo belongs to Jeremiah William   

I have been socksing.....yep...knitting socks...I finished one pair Sunday night...that I'm going to wear today....

and I am thisclose to finishing a second pair....
See that?  It's the toe....I need to finish the toe....I don't take any crafting to work with I have so much to do...and I only have a 30 minute lunch..and I eat...but I'm so tempted to take it today...

What have you been crafting?????  Join up below in the link...and leave a comment if you would like...I've been disabling moderation for the Wednesday linkups....check out the other links and I'll see you next Wednesday!


  1. Socks for you, hats for me!! Love the color range on the current pair. Hate the snow picture! We only got an inch or so. But I guess I can't complain since I am a SAHM. But cleaning dog paws every 30 minutes gets old. They want to be outside in the snow, but then they want inside, no outside, no inside, and round and round it goes. LOL

  2. I've got Christmas knitting happening...everything else is in hibernation/time-out. So, I've got the hat right now. Then another pair of mittens. Then another hat. Then I'm sort of done...I can do more if I want but I've promised nothing more.

  3. Like you, I have been knitting socks. :-) I didn't take them to work although I was tempted.

  4. I love the colors of your sock! I'm knitting socks for Christmas gifts right now, because apparently I never learn when it comes to holiday crafting.

  5. I should be able to join in next week now! I haven't been able to write about my knitting for ages, it was all christmas knitting, but I am finally getting there now! Time for knitting for ME!!
