
Monday, April 13, 2015

Love Your Blog - Beginnings

So the prompt this week is Beginnings....and she prompted us to look at the beginnings of our blog and how we may have changed...

I first started blogging in October of 2007...and in 2007-2008, I had a total of 37 I wasn't a very regular highest year posting was 2010 with 249 posts....

I started blogging as a crochet journal.   I've never been able to keep a journal in real life, but I've always taken I thought blogging would be a great way to journal those pictures....and a way to keep track of what I crocheted....

Back then, I was also adamant I was not going to learn to knit...I felt like crochet got a raw deal.....and I was going to be true to it....and it seemed to me that a lot of crocheters left it after learning to knit.....well then I got sucked in by socks....and now the majority of my creative posts are about knitting....I still crochet and still have WIP projects....according to Ravelry, I have 13 crochet WIPs...mostly afghans, blankets...I have 19 knit WIPs.....but 7 of them are socks.....I am starting on my first knit sweater....but maybe should finish the crochet sweater I have going...
I just have the sleeves and a belted trim to do.....

I also have joined tons of I could discover new blogs and hopefully have new people discover mine....

I have also used my blog to keep track of my travels....although many of my earlier pictures have been deleted...there was an issue...if you click on the "picture" it will take you to it....but I love looking back at those pictures and reading what was going on that day....and I'm bummed when I think of something and it was BIWB...Before I Was I don't have a post to refer back to...

my earliest trip I blogged about...November 2008..a trip into NYC....and a personal yarn crawl I had...I blogged about my entire summer road trip out to Wyoming with my nephew in 2013...what a fantastic trip and I love reading back on it.....

and even the Hubs will tell me to take a I can put it on my blog...

I am not blogging as a career, or to make money, or sell things (patterns/yarns/etc)...I blog mainly for a journal of my life....which is why I chose to put Life in the title of my blog...but secondary is connecting with I mentioned in my last post...I loved having penpals...and blogging is like an updated version of that....

and we all grow and evolve throughout life, as should our blogs....


  1. Great post! I have loads of WIPs too, although you are way more organised if you have them all logged on Ravelry - mine are just hidden away like a dirty secret :-)
    I love that you are doing this for you, as a kind of journal - I think that's where I'm at too at the moment anyway - you never know what the future will bring!
    Look forward to reading next weeks post! x

  2. I started blogging way back in high school....I think my first platform was LiveJournal. I used it from probably 1995-2008 or so....I shut it down sometime around 2008. One thing I really liked about LJ that I'm not so crazy about in other platforms was the ability to post something and being able to allow who would see it, if anyone. I liked being able to block people out of certain posts or my entire blog, if I so wanted. I can't really do that. But my years of teenaged hell are over and I don't necessarily need that option anymore.

    So, there's all that :)

  3. I so enjoy blogs like yours, which are written for the pleasure of recording and showing things that mean something to you.

  4. Me too. I had this idea that a blog was a journal.

  5. I admire how long you've kept up your blog and I love how it's such a personal record of things you've made and done.

  6. I blog for the joy of writing too. Always like to find new blogs to read.

  7. Wow, you started in 2007! I'm glad blogging is not dead then, else it'd be a funny time for me to have joined in:) I'm just a month old.

  8. Wow...2007 blogging. That's an accomplishment. I too knit as a way to remember things that I have done. I started off with crochet, but got sucked into knitting. I initially wanted to do socks. Five years later--- my first socks. Keep up the great work.
