
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Stitch Along Wednesday - Week 15

The Let's Work A Bit on Everything edition......well not everything...but I did put some effort into a few things this week...
Light in Shadows....I added another two stripes....I am now on to the outer sections...and short rows...eek...

I adore the stitch markers on this....recycled china chips...
Then there is Dark Side of the Moon...second sock...
This yarn just feels good.....

My hawk Baktus is on the decrease, so I should finsih this one this week too...

And I have started my Owligan...over and over and over again!  I kept messing up the ribbing...
I kept finding that a skipped a purl I'd have k2, p2, k2, p1, k2, p2,...gah!

I'm still not sure the first two rows are correct, but I'm just going with it I have to do the opposite stitch on the WS and I don't think i did on one row....

Have you ever had something so simple, that you just couldn't get and kept messing up?

I'm off to see Cinderella with my 3 year old niece today....toodles...


  1. That "Dark Side of the Moon", wowee!

  2. Something so simple I keep screwing it up? Yeah, any of my hat designs lately. ::sigh::

    And then there's my new sock design (which probably won't see the light of day until.....well, not for awhile)....I finally had to rewrite the chart because I could not brain it the way it was written originally (which was for a flat object).

  3. I do that all the time. I hate it when I count something three times and get three different answers.

    That Dark Side of the Moon yarn is soooo tempting.

  4. Your shawl is lovely, and the socks are so awesome!

  5. The yarn, the projects, the stitch markers... so many pretties in one post!
