
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Love Your Blog: Gratitude

I'm a day late with this...but funnily enough this quote came across my Facebook feed this morning...

and it sums it up for me nicely.....I blog because it's a way for me to keep track of what has gone on in my life....the things I want to remember...I blog, as a place to put the many pictures I take (well now there is Instagram)....I blog to be part of a community of like-minded individuals....and my blog may not be the most popular....(I can't get past the 97 mark).....but the friends that I have made and the relationships that have been cultivated are enough.....I am grateful for here is me saying thank you to all of the wonderful people I have met.....thank you for becoming a part of my life, although we may never actually meet in "real life," I am grateful that you are in my life....


  1. I'm grateful that you're in my life too! It's not easy to keep a blog going, and you do it brilliantly :) <3 Thank you :)

    1. Thank you...I enjoy reading your are very honest....

  2. Just wanted you to know that I appreciate your blog and have you in my favorites and check every day to see if you have a new post! I am a crocheter, not a knitter, and my daughter-in-law is an elementary-school teacher, so I feel like we have a lot in common. I was born and raised in Northern VA outside Washington DC, and still live in this area, just a little further out due to housing prices going up so much over the past 40 years. I am also a yarnaholic, although almost everything I make I give away to friends or charities. Our church sponsors a hypothermia shelter in the winter, so there is a great place to send scarves and hats! Keep it up, you are appreciated!

    1. Do you have a blog I can visit? and thank you so much for the kind words...

  3. I did this challenge to find blogs that are new to me and find other like minded crafters like you. So keep up the blogging, I have you bookmarked :)

    1. Yes, it is great to find new blogs....I'll be visiting you too..
